How to Choose the Right Artificial Turf Installation Company

It’s no secret that installing artificial turf for your home or business is an investment that pays for itself. However, the quality of the investment is only as good as the team responsible for installing it. Of course, you’ll want to make sure that your artificial turf installer has the reputation and product knowledge to get your project done. Here are some practical tips to find the perfect artificial grass installer for your residential or commercial project.

Do Your Research

Before putting pen to paper on any project, make sure you have done sufficient research on your artificial turf company. Some factors to consider in your research include:

  • Company history – How long has the company been in business? How much experience does the company’s team have? Newer companies may have installers who know the fundamentals of synthetic grass installation but lack experience, resulting in subpar work. This is an important detail as you’ll want a synthetic grass installer with the experience to work on the complexities of your yard.
  • Endorsement – Is your installer supported by the company you’re buying your artificial turf from? Most synthetic turf suppliers will have vendors that are covered under their manufacturer’s warranty, and choosing a company that is not endorsed by the supplier could compromise that warranty. Grizzly Turf & Pavers has a vast selection of synthetic grass products to choose from, each backed by a 15-year warranty, so you won’t have to worry about this issue with us!

Listen to Previous Customers

If you’re on the fence about choosing an artificial turf installer, pay attention to their reviews. A good synthetic turf landscaping company like Grizzly Turf & Pavers will publicly post their testimonials for all to see. In addition, checking out reviews on third-party review sites like Yelp or Google should give you sufficient information as to whether or not an installer is trustworthy. When all else fails, nothing beats good, old-fashioned word of mouth; talk to your friends and neighbors with artificial turf installations and listen to what they have to say. Take a look at their lawns and ask as many questions as you can!

Gather All of the Facts

As soon as you’ve narrowed down your search to the installers you really have your eye on, the next step is to get as much information as possible on each company. Here are some factors to look for:

  • Credentials – A reputable artificial grass installation company should have its license number posted on its website. Additionally, check for any affiliations to local business organizations.
  • Awards – Have they been recognized by customers and their peers for the quality of their work?
  • BBB Rating – The Better Business Bureau is known for carefully grading and reviewing businesses based on customers’ interactions with them. Checking an installer’s BBB rating should shed some light on where they stand with customers.
  • Community Involvement – Are your installers part of their local chamber of commerce? Generally, any business in good standing with their chamber of commerce has a solid reputation within their respective community.

Because artificial grass is a significant investment, it is important to feel completely comfortable with your chosen installer. If you’re looking for a synthetic grass company that can grant you peace of mind with quality artificial turf installation, look no further than Grizzly Turf & Pavers. We are fully staffed with experienced, licensed installers who will be with you every step of the way, from consultation to installation. Not to mention, each product is backed by a 15-year warranty and a 100% client satisfaction guarantee. If you’re ready to make the switch, contact us today at (866) 237-8873 or visit us online and experience the Grizzly difference.

Convincing Your HOA to Allow Artificial Turf Installation

Residents in condominiums or gated communities may be familiar with the existence of homeowners associations, or HOAs. HOAs are governing bodies that set rules and regulations that residents agree to in exchange for living in certain exclusive communities. In some cases, those rules may have restrictions on replacing your natural grass yard with artificial turf. If you live in an HOA and are considering installing artificial grass, it is best to educate yourself on what your HOA can regulate.

What Does an HOA Regulate?

Generally, HOAs are responsible for creating (and enforcing) rules designed to maintain the appearance and function of a residential community. The jurisdiction of what an HOA can govern includes, but is not limited to:

  • Pets
  • The external appearance of your home, such as paint color and outside fixtures
  • Backyard fixtures, such as sheds and storage units
  • Mailboxes
  • Landscaping

If you want artificial turf for your home, your first course of action is to check your HOA’s guidelines as they pertain to installing a synthetic grass lawn. Your HOA’s flexibility will be the determining factor in whether or not you will be allowed to install artificial turf, so make sure you do your research.

Installing Artificial turf in Your HOA

If you find out that your HOA does allow you to install artificial turf, then your next step is to consult with synthetic turf installation experts, such as the team at Grizzly Turf & Pavers. In the event that your HOA’s guidelines are unclear, or if your HOA forbids artificial grass installation, hope is not lost. There are still some things to try before throwing in the towel.

Ask Questions

The purpose of an HOA is to maintain your community’s appearance, but that doesn’t mean that they want you to be uncomfortable. If you get a hard “no” from your HOA, ask why the policy is in place. After getting an explanation, ask if the HOA would consider implementing a change in its policy if enough residents show interest in installing artificial turf. There is strength in numbers; if you get enough of your neighbors to show interest in switching to synthetic turf, your HOA may be more inclined to make changes to its policy.

If you can’t get everything you want, you will want to consider compromising with your HOA. Ask if your backyard can have artificial turf or if the HOA will allow a specific type of synthetic turf. Grizzly Turf & Pavers offers several artificial grass styles that can meet an HOA’s standards! The point is for you and your HOA to come to some agreement that benefits you and your entire community, so don’t be afraid to have a conversation with your HOA management.

Educate Your HOA

If your HOA is totally resistant to changing its artificial turf policy, don’t assume it’s because they are being unfair. In some cases, it could be because the HOA doesn’t have all the facts regarding the benefits of artificial grass installation. If you feel this is the case, consider scheduling a consultation between your HOA and one of our experts at Grizzly Turf & Pavers. We will gladly speak to your management and explain the benefits of artificial turf for HOAs, including its low-maintenance features and aesthetic appeal.

If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them

If none of the above methods work, then consider joining your HOA’s board. The best way to change your HOA’s mind is to join your board and advocate for the benefits of artificial turf. This method is a long-term time investment, but if you truly want to improve your home’s appearance with synthetic turf, it will be worth the wait.

If you’re ready to take the first step in switching to an artificial turf lawn for your HOA home, contact Grizzly Turf & Pavers for expert assistance. Our team of experienced, skilled installation professionals will be with you every step of the installation process, from consultation to installation. To see how we can help you and your HOA, contact us online or call us at (866) 237-8873 and experience the Grizzly difference.

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