Return on Investment

It’s no secret that choosing to install artificial grass is a significant investment; vast amounts of time and money have to be spent to ensure that your landscaping looks every bit as immaculate and stunning as you envisioned. While the price tag associated with synthetic grass installation can seem intimidating, we here at Grizzly Turf & Pavers want to assure you that your investment will see returns that will benefit you and your family for years to come.

How Long Until You See a Return?

In most cases, homeowners see a return on their artificial grass installation investment within five to seven years. When you consider that the average lifespan of synthetic grass is 15 to 25 years, it doesn’t take a math expert to realize that you’ll see your ROI fairly quickly!

Of course, the form of return on investment you’ll see can vary on a few distinct factors. No matter how you look at it, you’ll see guaranteed savings after installation!

Return on Costs and Time

It’s been researched that homeowners spend up to $6,000 per year maintaining a natural grass lawn. Activities such as mowing, fertilizing, seeding and watering can undoubtedly take a toll on your budget, leaving you frustrated and wondering why there’s “more month at the end of your money” instead of the other way around.

In addition to the financial strain of taking care of natural grass, homeowners spend inordinate amounts of time ensuring that their natural grass lawn looks spectacular. It doesn’t matter if you have a green thumb or not – homeowners would rather spend more time doing the things they love most.

With synthetic grass, tasks like watering and mowing are a thing of the past. Cut your water bill significantly by reducing outdoor irrigation and watch the savings pile up! Not to mention, you won’t need to worry about spending hours outside mowing with artificial grass.

Maximize Your Curb Appeal

Let’s say the home you’re in isn’t your “forever home” – artificial grass has something for you too! If you’re planning to sell your home before the average five-to-seven-year period, there is still a way to get a quick ROI. Prospective homeowners are always looking for ways to minimize their maintenance costs when inspecting a new listing – finding a synthetic grass lawn would be one less thing for buyers to worry about. A newly-installed artificial grass lawn can boost your home’s asking price, giving you back your investment sooner than you thought!

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